On Killing A Tree (Explained)

★ Central idea of the poem. -> A protest against men's indiscriminate cutting down of trees. ★ Message of the poem. -> Emphasis of afforestation. ★ Conflict -> Man vs nature. For existence men kill trees. But trees help them. Man doesn't care the civilization. They do a senseless act. Annotation of the poem : 1. It takes much time to kill a tree. -> To kill a tree is not an easy task. It requires much time and effort. 2. Not a simple jab of the knife will do it. -> An attempt to kill a tree by stabbing with a knife can't be successful. 3. It has grown solely consuming the earth. -> the trees develop slowly by observing the nutrients from the soil. 4. Rising out of it. -> the tree moves upwards penetrating the earth / soil. 5. Feeding upon its crust. -> Earth/soil feeds the tree its top most layer for its growth. 6. Absorbing years of sunlight. -> The tree absorbs sunlight ...